今日の空は大好き | 詩 谷川俊太郎・鳴海唯

あしやティアフル映画祭 第10回記念作品
Short Film “I Love Today’s Sky”

詩 – 谷川俊太郎
主演 – 鳴海唯
エンディングテーマ – 「magic hour」 mamerico
Poem – Shuntaro Tanikawa
Cast – Yui Narumi
Ending theme song – “magic hour” mamerico

撮影 – 濱田英明
ヘアメイク – 竹下綾夏
スタイリスト – 中井彩乃
Cinematography – Hideaki Hamada
Hair and makeup – Ayaka Takeshita
Stylist – Ayano Nakai

撮影協力 – 芦屋市 兵庫県
特別協力 – 芦屋市民センター
製作 – ティアフル製作委員会
Filming cooperation – Ashiya City, Hyogo Prefecture
Special cooperation – Ashiya Citizens’ Center
Tearful Production Committee

監督・ポスター・スチール・編集・カラーグレーディング – 矢野数馬
A film by Kazuma Yano

Trans. by William I. Elliott and Katsumasa Nishihara

Do you remember yesterday’s sky?

The sky always extends beyond your upward gaze. I love today’s sky where clouds scatter leisurely.

The poet Shuntaro Tanikawa wrote a new poem entitled “I Love Today’s Sky”. Based on this poem describing a bright future, the Tearful Production Committee, which had produced the short films “The First Feeling in My Life” and “Obento”, created a third short film entirely on location in Ashiya, a city near Kobe. We presented visual images in an attempt to wrap our overflowing joyous hearts in a perfectly clear sky with the magic finesse of exquisite light. Thinking highly of the beautiful, natural effect of light, we filmed scenes with no artificial light.

Yui Narumi born in Nishinomiya, a city near Ashiya, played the leading role in this film. She read a Tanikawa poem in a very natural, detached, non-performing art-like sort of voice. Her facial expression, like the point where subject and object meet, gives this film a sense of depth.

A small number of staff produced this high-quality short film by presenting all of us with Shuntaro Tanikawa’s message to the future.

インディショートアワード・ニューヨーク – セミファイナリスト
ロサンゼルス日本映画祭 – オフィシャルセレクション
札幌国際短編映画祭 – オフィシャルセレクション
ニューヨーク・ジャパン・シネフェスト – オフィシャルセレクション
モノローグ&ポエトリー国際映画祭 – オフィシャルセレクション
New York Indie Shorts Award – Semi-Finalist
Japan Film Festival Los Angeles – Official Selection
Sapporo International Short Film Festival – Official Selection
New York Japan CineFest – Official Selection
Monologues & Poetry International Film Fest – Official Selection